BIS Orchestra

Quick Links for the Orchestra Members

Music Scores

Practice Log

Google Classroom

Sectional Leaders Page

Teacher's page

Welcome to BIS Orchestra.

A warm welcome to BIS Orchestra 2024-25!

BIS Orchestra is open to Grade 6-12 students via audition, and we perform for school events such as Christmas Concert, Spring Concert, Graduation, and Special assemblies.  

Our BIS Orchestra’s goal is to engage and inspire budding musicians to collaborate in the learning and mentoring experience as a performing group.  

BIS Orchestra looks forward to growing stronger each year and bringing beautiful melodies to our school and community! .

Ms. Joanna Lee

BIS Secondary Music Teacher
-BIS Orchestra | Conductor

Ms. Sunny Chung

BIS Elementary Music Teacher
-BIS Orchestra | Music Arranger/Assistant Conductor

Leadership Team

President & Vice President

Emily Park and Jennie Sung


Angella Shim and Soyul Park

Sectional Leaders

Violin 1 - Angella Shim G10          
Violin 2 - Hannah Cho G11
Violin 3 - Joshua Jeon G12
Viola - Jennie Sung G11
Cello - Soyul Park G11

Flute - Emily Park  G12
Clarinet - Seyeon Kim  G11
Brass - Joey Park  G10
Percussion - Minju Kim G11

Stage Managers

Rehearsal Expectations 

Rehearsal Time:  Every FRIDAY @12:20

-Set up:


-Tidyup:  Members, you have 5 minutes max. to put away and organize everything. 

seating Chart

Orchestra Seating Position-2024-25


Music Scores

 Access granted to BIS students only.   If you cannot view the music, sign-in to your browser using the account.


Homework/Practice Log Challenge!

Practice and Rehearsal Policy:

Students are required to practice for at least 10-15 minutes, a minimum of 3 times a week. Rehearsals are dedicated to assembling the parts and refining the piece as a whole under the conductor's guidance. To ensure productive rehearsals, students must work with their private lesson teacher before rehearsals to polish their technique and be prepared to perform as part of the ensemble.

During rehearsals, teachers will evaluate each student’s performance. Students needing additional support will be assigned video recording homework, which must be submitted by the specified deadline. Teachers will review these recordings, provide feedback, and suggest areas for improvement. Students are expected to address these comments and be ready to incorporate the changes at the next rehearsal.

Given our limited 45-minute weekly rehearsal time, it is essential that we focus on group refinement rather than individual practice. Students must complete their personal practice and technique development before attending rehearsal. A lack of effort and commitment to improvement may result in the student being temporarily removed from the orchestra, requiring a re-audition once they are ready to contribute effectively as part of the group.

Our collective success depends on everyone’s focused dedication and commitment.

To add a bit of fun and motivation, we’re introducing a 'PRACTICE LOG' (below) a weekly practice challenge! Let’s see who can log the most practice minutes each week. As a friendly incentive, students who practice less than 3 times a week will give a small snack (e.g., bubble gum, banana milk—something under 2,000 won) to the student who practiced the most. Give the snack to the winner at the next rehearsal. Don’t forget to ask the winner what they’d like as a reward!

Practice Log

Sectional Leader's Page

Orchestra Member's Google Classroom

Memories . . .




Teachers' page

access to teachers only